

Committed To Protecting Your Privacy

Educogym (our branches and our affiliates) are committed to protecting your privacy. This Privacy Policy applies to all our websites (including www.educogym.com, www.educogymkingston.com, www.educogymoranmore.com, www.educogymcork.ie, and our associated mobile applications (myeducogym) owned and operated by Mindbodyonline and licensed by Educogym. This privacy policy explains what kind of data we collect, why we collect, how we use and handle your data.

With this policy we pledge to act within the Data Protection Act 1988 (under Irish law) and the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) which came into effect in May, 2018. It is recommended to fully read this policy and understand it clearly before using our websites or registering for our services or products. If you have any questions or concerns about this privacy policy, please write to us by email at in**@ed******.com.

What Information Do We Collect?

We may obtain the following types of information:

Personal Data:

This includes any information that identifies you personally, such as your name, date of birth, age, and gender. Personal data also includes your contact information such as e-mail address, phone/mobile number, address, and emergency contact information. We collect personal data ONLY if it is voluntarily submitted to us, when you register for any of our membership plans.

The information that we collect is for administration purposes, to send any information which we think may be useful to you, or to send you marketing communications related to our products, services and special offers. In all these cases, we take your EXPLICIT CONSENT to use your personal data. Also, we may use your details to contact you through phone/email if you leave your details on website enquiry or join us forms.

However, if you do not wish to receive any communication from us, you may unsubscribe by clicking on the link located on the bottom of our e-mails or write to us at in**@ed******.com.

Payment Data:

We may obtain billing or payment data from you when you wish to use our services or products. This may include credit or debit card numbers.

We use this data ONLY to process payment from you upon your request/ or consent. We do not store, retain, or use this information for any other purpose except for processing payment on our behalf.

Sensitive Personal Data:

We may collect sensitive personal data such as your height, weight, tummy, waist and body fat percentages to customise training programmes for you. This is to set realistic fitness goals and help you achieve best results.

We might also take photographs of our customers (before and after pictures) to show them the transformation that they have achieved after training with us. In a few cases, we may also ask for access to your medical data or medical history records, to ensure that we understand your health conditions fully before starting the training.

Any sensitive personal data is obtained only after taking your CONSENT and will be accessible only to your designated trainer. We might also request your EXPLICIT CONSENT to use your photographs (Before and After) for marketing purposes and agreeing to it is solely your decision.

Navigational Information/Cookies:

We may also collect information about your computer and your visit, when you browse our websites. This includes IP address, geographical location, browser type, referral source, length of visit and pages viewed. This navigational information is gathered through cookies which tracks ONLY your browsing patterns. Cookies do not identify your personal details or give us access to your computer.

This data will be used to analyze how users interact with our websites. The findings will be used for SEO purposes, improve our online marketing efforts and for improving our website functionalities to provide you better experiences. If you do not agree for it, you can disable your cookies using your browsing settings, at any time. However, please be aware that changes in settings may impact your ability to use certain elements of our website.

Remarketing Campaigns:

We work with advertising partners such as Google and Bing for marketing/remarketing our services. This could mean that they store cookies on your devices to track your preferences and browsing history such as what pages have you viewed on our website.

This is to make our advertising targeted by showing you ads and pages that are only relevant to you, which is equally beneficial to you. The cookies do NOT give us access to your computer or track any personally identifiable information.

However, if you prefer us not to use your information, you can opt out to seeing the ads by using the Ads settings page and “AdChoices” options.

Affiliate Banner Advertising:

In addition to remarketing, we might also use the data from cookies for Affiliate Banner advertising. The ads show up on websites that we are affiliated with, based on what you have searched for. Cookies do NOT track contain your device or any personal information.

Written/Video/Audio Testimonials:

We might request for testimonials from our customers sharing their fitness journeys or experiences with us. Customers can share the testimonials whenever they wish to – when they are still training or have finished training with us.

We may obtain customer’s CONSENT to post these testimonials on our websites, keeping them informed that it might include their personal data such as name.

Mobile App Usage and Analytics:

When you start using our mobile app (myeducogym), it might record and store your personal information to make it easy for you to check in. We may also gather user analytics to monitor and analyze how and when users are using the app, what features are used more, device model, and performance data. The data is used to improve app functionalities for you.

The app may also set to send push notifications to update you about appointments, events or promotions. If you do not wish to receive such reminders, you may turn them off at the device or app level.

How We Use The Information That We Collect?

We use the information we collect only in compliance with this Privacy Policy. Customers who subscribe to our services are briefed about this and are required to comply with this Privacy Policy. We do not sell or transfer any of your Information to any third parties, in any event. 

Security of Your Information:

Personal data collected from you is stored on our secure CRM Software, including the data from mobile application. The data is locked to protect it from unauthorized access, use or disclosure. Specially, the transactions and payment data will be encrypted to ensure its privacy.

We use a secured custom software (results tracker) to track and store the changes in customer’s body measurements. This sensitive data is strictly password protected and accessible ONLY to the Trainers. The customers can however ask for a print, after each check up from the trainers.

In the event of creating and using a password, especially for Mobile App, it is your responsibility to keep the password confidential. We would not have access to customers passwords and therefore do not take the responsibility. Please be aware that any transfer of information via web/internet may not be fully secure and we cannot guarantee the security of such data.

External Websites:

Our websites might have social media features or links to other websites. These channels or websites may collect any other information when you visit their websites.

Their privacy policies may vary and we have no control over them. Browsing those websites is at your own risk. We highly recommend you read through their privacy policies and be aware.

Retention of Information:

We retain your information to contact you about our services, events or as needed, but will always ensure to adhere to this privacy policy or legal obligations. You have a full right to ask for a copy of data that we hold about you. In case of any inaccuracies or alterations needed in the data you shared with us, please contact us.

We will delete your information completely from our database, when you “opt out and unsubscribe”. We may also delete your record if we decide that we would not need your information any further. If you have any questions about the security of your Personal Information, you can contact us at in**@ed******.com.

Compelled Disclosure:

We reserve the right to use or disclose your personal Information, if required by law or if we might think it is necessary to protect our rights, your safety, others safety, investigate any issues or to comply with legal processes.

Your Consent:

By providing us with your personal information including sensitive and payment data, you CONSENT to the collection and use of the data in compliance with the above policy. We also understand that we have your CONSENT for using the cookies and notifications options as long as you don’t change them.

Enforcement on Employees:

Any breaches reported will be investigated appropriately and if needed the right authority or officials will be contacted. Any individual found in violation of this policy may be subject to disciplinary action, up to and including termination of employment.

Contacting Us:

We periodically update our Privacy Policy to adhere to the latest laws. The same will be updated on to the website and we encourage you to review it. We welcome any questions or comments, you may have about this privacy policy. Please do not hesitate to contact us at in**@ed******.com or call us at +3531275 2000.