Excerpt from the article “Insulin and Its Metabolic Effects”
Why does that person have a cold? If he saw the doctor, the doctor might tell him to take an antibiotic along with the decongestant. You see this all the time because the doctor wants to get rid of the patient. Well we all know that in almost all cases of an upper respiratory infection it is a virus, and the antibiotic is going to do worse than nothing because it is going to kill the bacterial flora in the gut and impair the immune system, making the immune system worse.
The patient might see someone else more knowledgeable who will say no, you caught a virus, don’t do anything, go home and sleep, let your body heal itself. That’s better. You might see someone else who would ask why you caught a virus without being out there trying to hunt for viruses with a net.
We are breathing viruses every day; right now we are breathing viruses, cold viruses, rhinoviruses.
“We’ve known for many years that sugar depresses the immune system. … It doesn’t matter what disease you are talking about – insulin is going to have its hand in it, if not totally controlling it. ”
….. We’ve known for many years that sugar depresses the immune system. We have known that for decades. …. A blood sugar value of 120 reduces the phagocytic index seventy-five percent. Here we are getting a little bit further down into the roots of disease. It doesn’t matter what disease you are talking about, whether you are talking about a common cold or about cardiovascular disease, or osteoporosis or cancer, the root is always going to be at the molecular and cellular level, and I will tell you that insulin is going to have its hand in it, if not totally controlling it. …… What is the purpose of insulin in humans? If you ask your doctor, they will say that it’s to lower blood sugar and I will tell you right now, that is a trivial side effect. Insulin’s evolutionary purpose, among others at least known right now, we are looking at others, is to store excess nutrients.
…. those high complex carbohydrate diets are nothing but a high sugar diet, and your body is just going to store it as saturated fat.”We come from a time of feast and famine and if we couldn’t store the excess energy during times of feasting, we would all not be here, because we all have had ancestors that encountered famine. So we are only here because our ancestors were able to store nutrients, and they were able to store nutrients because they were able to elevate their insulin in response to any elevation in energy that the organism encountered. When your body notices that the sugar is elevated, it is a sign that you’ve got more than you need right now, you are not burning it so it is accumulating in your blood. So insulin will be released to take that sugar and store it. How does it store it? …. Saturated fat, ninety-eight percent of which is palmitic acid. So the idea of the medical profession to go on a high complex carbohydrate, low saturated-fat diet is an absolute oxymoron, because those high complex carbohydrate diets are nothing but a high glucose diet, or a high sugar diet, and your body is just going to store it as saturated fat. The body makes it into saturated fat quite readily….. heart attacks are two to three times more likely to happen after a high carbohydrate meal.”
….. Insulin also causes the retention of sodium, which causes the retention of fluid, which causes high blood pressure and fluid retention: congestive heart failure…… What does all of this do to the heart? Not very good things. There was a study done a couple of years ago, a good, down to earth nicely conducted study that showed that heart attacks are two to three times more likely to happen after a high carbohydrate meal. They said specifically NOT after a high fat meal. Why is that? Because the immediate effects of raising your blood sugar from a high carbohydrate meal is to raise insulin and that immediately triggers the sympathetic nervous system which will cause arterial spasm, constriction of the arteries. If you take anybody prone to a heart attack and that is when they are going to get it.”
So the way we age is that we turn rancid and we caramelize. It’s very true.”You can slow the rate of aging. Not just even the rate of disease, but the actual rate of aging itself can be modulated by insulin. …. there is some pretty good evidence that even in humans we still retain the capacity to control lifespan at least partially. We should be living to be 130, 140 years old routinely. If you have a carbohydrate that is not a fiber, it is going to be turned into a sugar, whether it be glucose or not. It may be fructose … , fructose is worse for you then glucose, so if you just go by blood sugar …. it doesn’t mean that you are not raising your blood fructose.….. Glucose combines with anything else really, it’s a very sticky molecule. ….Just take sugar on your fingers. It’s very sticky. It sticks specifically to proteins. ….. the term for glycation in the food industry is carmelization. They use it all the time, that is how you make caramel. So the way we age is that we turn rancid and we caramelize. It’s very true. And that is what gets most of us. If that doesn’t get us, then the genetic causes of aging will, because every cell in your body has genetic programs to commit suicide.
“What is a potato? A potato is a big lump of sugar. That’s all it is.”
Let’s get to diet. Diet really becomes pretty simple. Carbohydrates we started talking about. You’ve got fiber and non-fiber and that’s real clear-cut. Fiber is good, non-fiber is bad. Fibrous carbs, like vegetables and broccoli, those are great. What is a potato? A potato is a big lump of sugar. That’s all it is. You chew a potato, what are you swallowing? Glucose. You may not remember, but you learned that in eighth grade, but the medical profession still hasn’t learned that. …. What is a slice of bread? A slice of sugar. Does it have anything else good about it? Virtually no. …. And there are fifty-some essential nutrients to the human body.
“What is the minimum daily requirement for carbohydrates? ZERO.”
What is the food pyramid based on? A totally irrelevant nutrient. ….. Those are the two essential reasons that we need to eat. We need the building blocks and we need fuel, not the least of which is to have energy to obtain those building blocks and then to have energy to fuel those chemical reactions to use those building blocks. So what are the building blocks that are needed, proteins and fatty acids. Not much in the way of carbohydrates. You can get all the carbohydrates you need from proteins and fats. So the building blocks are covered by proteins and fats.
“Glucose was meant to be fuel used in an emergency situation, such as running from a saber tooth tiger.”
…. What about fuel? That’s the other reason we eat. There are two kinds of fuel that your body can use with minor exceptions, sugar and fat. We mentioned earlier that the body is going to store excess energy as fat. Why does the body store it as fat? Because that is the body’s desired fuel. That is the fuel the body wants to burn and that will sustain you and allow you to live. The body can store only a little bit of sugar. …. In an active day you would die if you had to rely one-hundred percent on sugar. Why doesn’t your body store more sugar if it is so needed? Sugar was never meant to be your primary energy source. …. Sugar is meant to be your body’s turbo charger. ….. The brain can actually exist without a whole lot of sugar, contrary to popular belief. Glucose was meant to be fuel used if you had to, in an emergency situation, expend and extreme amount of energy, such as running from a saber tooth tiger.
“Vegetables are great, I want you to eat vegetables …. but there is no essential need.”
“….. Vegetables are great, I want you to eat vegetables. The practical aspect of it is that you are going to get carbs, but there is no essential need. …. Fruit is a mixed blessing. ….. But most foods fall in the middle somewhere. Things like strawberries, you are going to get something bad with strawberries, you are going to get a lot of sugar with strawberries, but you are also going to get a food that is also the second or third highest in antioxidant potential of any food known, the first being garlic the second either being strawberries or blueberries. So, there is something good to be had from it. So I will let some patients put some strawberries in let’s say a protein smoothie in the morning. But if they are a hard core diabetic, strawberries are out.
“Eating is the biggest stress we put on our body and that is why in caloric restriction experiments you can extend life.”
….. Most food is a double edged sword. …. Eating is the biggest stress we put on our body and that is why in caloric restriction experiments you can extend life as long as you maintain nutrition. This is the only proven way of actually reducing the rate of aging, not just the mortality rate, but the actual rate of aging, because eating is a big stress.…. Your primary fuel should be coming from fat. ….. So you want to increase the ability of the cells in the body to burn fat. You want to make that glucose burner into a fat burner. You want to make a gasoline burning car into a diesel burning car.
“You want everybody, athletes especially, to be able to burn fat efficiently. So when they train, they are on a very low carbohydrate diet.”
There is a big difference. A non-grain fed cow will actually be high in Omega 3 oils. Plants have a pretty high percentage of Omega 3, and if you accumulate it by eating it all day, every day for most of your life, your fat gets a pretty high proportion of Omega 3. I would try for 50% oleic fat, and the others would depend on the individual, but about 25% of the other two. ….. I like sardines if they will eat them. Sardines are a very good therapeutic food. They are baby fish so they haven’t had time to accumulate a bunch of metal. They are smoked so they are not cooked and the oil is not spoiled in them. You have to eat the whole thing. Not the boneless and skinless. You need to eat all the organs and they are high in vitamins and magnesium. …..So if people are worried about chromosomal damage from chromium, what they should really be worried about instead is high blood sugar. Insulin is by far your biggest poison. ….. The lowering of insulin is going to be better than any possible detriment of any of the therapies you are using. Insulin is associated with cancer, everything.
Ron Rosedale is a internationally known expert in nutritional and metabolic medicine whose work with diabetics is truly groundbreaking. Very few physicians have had such consistent success in helping diabetics to eliminate or reduce their need for insulin and to reduce heart disease—both without drugs or surgery. Dr. Rosedale was founder of the Rosedale Center, co-founder of the Colorado Center for Metabolic Medicine (Boulder, CO) and founder of the Carolina Center of Metabolic Medicine (Asheville, NC). Through these centers, he has helped hundreds suffering from so-called incurable diseases to regain their health. One of Dr. Rosedale’s life goals is to wipe out type II diabetes in the United States as a model for the world. He is also in the final stages of publishing a new book on his proven treatment methods for diabetes, cardiovascular disease, arthritis, osteoporosis and other chronic diseases of aging.